Php 5 3 8 For Readynas X86 Or X64 Platform

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Php 5 3 8 For Readynas X86 Or X64 Platform Rating: 3,7/5 5528reviews

Unofficial Guide for Moving from Sparc ReadyNAS to x86 ReadyNAS. Nothing for the ReadyNAS 214 (212) OS arm. For the Intel x86 platform and doesn't. PHP_5_5-5.5.12RC1-TS-X86-VC11 using Joomla-Platform-12.3 (Base) with PHP_5_5-5.5.12-TS-X86-VC11 using Joomla-Platform-12. Canon Mpc190 Windows 7 Driver more. 3. 5: Win 2008 SP1 x64: 1674: 1561: 93: 0.

Ok, I compile for both normal and pdo drivers with Thread Safe (x86) / Non Thread Safe (x86). I testes Non Thread Safe PDO driver with php 5.5 (x86) and it's working. You can download files here: Also I change file versions to 3.0.2 to solve confusion with the old versions. Hp Connection Manager 3.x Download.

Php 5 3 8 For Readynas X86 Or X64 Platforms

---------------------------------- Legal: This is a project of Microsoft Corporation and as the version.h file writes, I've permission to change the source code and distribute it with giving the details that I made and giving the copy of the license here: Changes: Line 77 of php_sqlsrv.h changes from: #if PHP_MAJOR_VERSION >5 PHP_MAJOR_VERSION 4 ) to: #if PHP_MAJOR_VERSION >5 PHP_MAJOR_VERSION 5 ). Hi HMelihkara, Thank you very much bro. I have tested and can confirm that the Thread Safe versions work on PHP 5.5 on a x64 machine. My configuration is a WAMP and WASP stack with • Apache 2.4.4 • MySQL 5.6.11 • PHP 5.5.1 • MS SQL 2008R2 (Express) • php_pdo_sqlsrv_55_ts.dll & • php_sqlsrv_55_ts.dll loaded as dynamic extensions.

I haven't run performance tests yet, but I'm seeing a marked improvement in server performance for complex queries coded for earlier sqlsrv ( again unofficial:-) drivers. I upgraded to PHP 5.5.1 yesterday thinking I'll compile the driver source and swallow the downtime. You saved me all that work. And, this is precisely why I love open source. Regular Joes like me get assistance from awesome folks like yourself and if someday we get the chance; to pay it forward. Once again, Thank you so much.