Php 5 3 8 For Readynas X86 Or X64 Platform
Unofficial Guide for Moving from Sparc ReadyNAS to x86 ReadyNAS. Nothing for the ReadyNAS 214 (212) OS arm. For the Intel x86 platform and doesn't. PHP_5_5-5.5.12RC1-TS-X86-VC11 using Joomla-Platform-12.3 (Base) with PHP_5_5-5.5.12-TS-X86-VC11 using Joomla-Platform-12. Canon Mpc190 Windows 7 Driver more. 3. 5: Win 2008 SP1 x64: 1674: 1561: 93: 0.
Ok, I compile for both normal and pdo drivers with Thread Safe (x86) / Non Thread Safe (x86). I testes Non Thread Safe PDO driver with php 5.5 (x86) and it's working. You can download files here: Also I change file versions to 3.0.2 to solve confusion with the old versions. Hp Connection Manager 3.x Download.

---------------------------------- Legal: This is a project of Microsoft Corporation and as the version.h file writes, I've permission to change the source code and distribute it with giving the details that I made and giving the copy of the license here: Changes: Line 77 of php_sqlsrv.h changes from: #if PHP_MAJOR_VERSION >5 PHP_MAJOR_VERSION 4 ) to: #if PHP_MAJOR_VERSION >5 PHP_MAJOR_VERSION 5 ). Hi HMelihkara, Thank you very much bro. I have tested and can confirm that the Thread Safe versions work on PHP 5.5 on a x64 machine. My configuration is a WAMP and WASP stack with • Apache 2.4.4 • MySQL 5.6.11 • PHP 5.5.1 • MS SQL 2008R2 (Express) • php_pdo_sqlsrv_55_ts.dll & • php_sqlsrv_55_ts.dll loaded as dynamic extensions.
I haven't run performance tests yet, but I'm seeing a marked improvement in server performance for complex queries coded for earlier sqlsrv ( again unofficial:-) drivers. I upgraded to PHP 5.5.1 yesterday thinking I'll compile the driver source and swallow the downtime. You saved me all that work. And, this is precisely why I love open source. Regular Joes like me get assistance from awesome folks like yourself and if someday we get the chance; to pay it forward. Once again, Thank you so much.